Sunday 1 April 2007

Step Up

"Every second chance begins with a first step."

It is 1.35 a.m and I just finished watching my third movie for today. Gsssssssh. Am I on a marathon or what? Anyway, this time I decided to see this dancing show called 'Step Up'. I'm just in awe how this people can actually dance like that. The dances were modern, contemporary and ballet dancing. It was fantastic. Actually, my friend back in Malaysia danced to one of the soundtracks and managed to get second for a competition organised by The Star. She owes me lunch ya, Ya Teng! ;)

Seeing this, I wonder whether MNight can be that good in the dance department. Hahaha. No offense juniors. Well, of course it will definitely not suit MNight. But who knows. May be the storyline will revolve around dancing this time.

This is the dance which left me in awe. Guys and girls, can you do it? Kai, how about it? I know you want to dance. ;)

I don't think I need to show the trailer. This dance tells it all.


dulcinea said...

but OUR mnite sort of revolved around dancing... Ling was a dance teacher, remember?

Cheng Chun said...

I know I know... Ours IS the best up to now for all the dances especially the opening dance... Oh well, we just have to wait the freshers have to offer for next year's MNight... Pressure... :P