Wednesday 18 April 2007


Every time I hear this word, I will remember about someone who gets stalked quite frequent by random people. You know who you are(and till today I'm still amazed the amount of times you getting stalked in London) but I suppose now it has subsided a bit ya. ;)

It came to me that there are 3 types or stages to stalking.

Stage 1 -

This case is the initial case. Harmless I say. But still if it was the same sex stalking, one usually be terrified. It isn't never a good thing. Just be careful.

Stage 2 - Obsession

Ah, this goes along the lines of the stalker saying like 'I breathe for you!' or 'You need me!'. People if you hear this, I think you better cabut as soon as possible. It is a sense of desperation from the stalker.

Stage 3 -

As you can see the word 'destruction', it has a more aggressive tone. Quite dangerous when someone says, 'I know you think of me often just as I think of you' or 'Don't make me do something that both of us might regret.' Usually, the person will be willing to do anything to protect or die for the person. They are hallucinating or in their own world.

So, which one are you or have you met anyone like that? Hahaha.

Anyway, I know this is random and funny and weird and some points gay but my housemate attended the funeral of a good girl friend of his who got murdered by her ex-boyfriend. This was an extreme case of stalking. May she rest in peace.

Nevertheless, I was surprised to hear the word 'murder' in Norway since crime rate here is very low. A lot of killings have been happening recently especially major killing in Virginia Tech. It just got me thinking that this is quite scary to be in a world like this anymore. Do not mess with this kind of people. Be careful guys and girls.


dulcinea said...

The Virginia Tech killings has made me more nervous of staying in the EE dept so late at night... I mean after all only weirdos hang around the EE dept after 10pm... and you never know...

Cheng Chun said...

Betul betul! I also fear a bit! But at least I know my building here is not really a massive congregation of people i.e. lectures halls. And not anyone can come in and out of the building. Phew. Need authorisation of the head of dept :P

But people just be vigilant.