Thursday 21 May 2009

Kris Allen Won American Idol

Looks like Kris won American Idol. Yay. I was really supporting him!

Adam was great but he is always over the top. Good and bad. Very original. Sometimes painful to my ears.

But both will get their own records for sure.

Sunday 10 May 2009

How you'd all doing?

Hey hey. It has been some time I have written a post. But anyway, I just got back from Houston. And let me tell you this. Although I love to flight, this is just crazy. It's like flying from KL to London on the same day. Just transit in Heathrow for 1 1/2 hours and off you go back to KL.


However, the trip was one its kind. I loved it. It is the best show in the world and now it's true.

Okay. I have to go sleep now because the jet-lag is making my body a bit crazy.