Wednesday 4 April 2007

A Tragic Beginning With A Good Ending

I would normally shout out loud 'YESSSSSSS. I'm back!' since I have been dreading to come back to London. However, this time I don't think I can do that. Yesterday, it was the ultimate shit day for me. It all started out badly.

I had to take the bus from my halls to the airport and somehow mysteriously, the buses were running on a low frequency i.e. from 10 minutes to 30 minutes. I was shocked because usually the buses are on time and I kinda semi panicked. It seems that because it is the Easter holidays, there are less students in Trondheim therefore not many people will be using the buses. And the bus company decided to run on a lower frequency schedule. Now I know that Trondheim is a student city. Even the town centre was deserted.

After taking 2 buses to the airport(Flybussen - the special bus straight to the airport from the city centre and I feel stupid because I didn't know that they had student prices which means I paid an extra 10KR for nothing), I managed to check-in and pass through costums. It was a bit weird for me this time because the customs took my front page and copied it. That's gotta be a first for my passport to be scanned on the spot. Luckily, I had some time and bought some gifts for the Freshers. I hope they like it and I think it is damn cute too. :)

So, the flight took 1 hour and 50 minutes as usual and landed in Stansted. Kai, you were SO wrong that London had the perfect weather. Going to kick you for that. Oh yea Siew Ping, before I left it SNOWED. Beat that. :P Haha. Anyway, this time immigration in Stansted was really fast like 10 mintues and I decided to take the bus to Baker St since I wasn't pressing for time. Then all hell broke lose.

I lost my hand phone. AGAIN! For crying out loud, this is my second lost in 6 months. I dunno what happened to it but I was certainly making calls out to everyone saying that I was already here. When I got off the bus, I realised in my pockets that one of my phones were missing and I was like '£$&%*%$'. So, I ran back to my house contacted National Express and their lost and found department(By the way, National Express you are terrible in customer service. You sent me on a wild goose chase giving me 6 numbers before I could get some to contact the bus driver which was also crap because the bus driver also didn't know that I was going onto the bus to collect it). Anyway, I managed to get on the same bus which I took but it wasn't there. I did try to call my phone but it was switched off. I think I lost my phone because I got so excited to get off the bus and I didn't really check or put my phone into my pockets. Anyway, if you lose a phone you should go to the Police to claim back insurance. I felt quite demoralised doing this all over again.

Even the police stations were crap. I went to the Marylebone station and there was a queue. There was this fuddy daddy making being so long-winded. And I think they required appointments. So, I decided to go to the station in Regent St and that was faster. Then I went all the way back to call Vodafone and cancelled my line. I was a bit distressed because I had to go out for a dinner appointment and I needed my line. The fastest I could get my sim card was in 2 days and that wasn't fast enough. And my life saviour for the day - Siew Ping. She told me that I could get my sim card in the store immediately. I didn't know that existed so I went out again to Oxford St Vodafone and they gave me a new sim card within 5 minutes. Going to belanja la you, Ping. ;)

So basically, I was running crazy like mad up and down along Baker St. And I also believe in Murphy's Law. It is definitely a shit law when you have a crisis. If you all don't know what it is, go wiki it. Hehe. All the buses were so slow when you want them to be fast. The queues were long for no reasons and when you have nothing important, the queues are always short. So, everything was against me.

Fortunately, the day ended me with a nice and tranquil dinner at a Thai restaurant - Adies. Once again food was great and friends too. Tock, you as always famous of being fashionably late. Hahaha. Miscommunication with Charl huh? Don't worry you made it on time and still ate quite fast. And still had a good talk about you know who. Hah. I love it when we get together.

Anyway, the day ended with me in Wayn's room and me sleeping there. That's gotta be a first for me being very spontaneous. Well, I hope I can get to stay with Kai too. He is going to be a bit busy with his friends so I shall wait.

Well, all in all I hope to get settled in Imperial soon because I have to get on with my work. I have already borrowed my books and hopefully I can get at least my introduction and setup written up.

So, after this, I think I can say, I'm back to settle in for the Easter holidays.

p/s: Ya Teng, please do not say anything this to my parents. You know what will happen ya. Haha.

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