Friday 27 April 2007

Scarred For Life

Okay. May be it is over dramatic here but there is an 1 inch(2 cm) long, deep scratch on my forehead. Skin peeled off but luckily it isn't bleeding that much. Well, of course it isn't that deep until you can see my skull. That would leave me to be in the hospital by now. No worries.

I banged into the pitot tube in the wind tunnel. It was on top of the wind tunnel. I turned and it 'doink' on my forehead. Aiyak. There goes my beautiful skin. :(

It seems everyone will eventually bang into that pipe. I know my prof did. Hehehe.


Ellen said...

lol you complain about your beautiful skin? be a man lols... battle scars are meant to be shown off :P anyway they'll disappear soon enough.

i've got plenty of scars from squash and dancing... and i got one last week. stupid colleague left his filing cabinet open and i walked straight into it... forehead first. :(

sp said...

yeeeeeer so vain :p

dulcinea said...

kinda like harry potter now huh?

Cheng Chun said...

Ee-Lin: Thanks for your beauty tips. Heh. Lol.

Sp: What vain vain. As if you aren't.
And I know who is even MORE VAIN than me. ;)

Charl: Ya lor. But not a zig zag though. Mine is just 1 straight line. :)

Ellen said...

and you call me hiao. hmph.