Monday 29 October 2007


So, here it is. Well, some pictures are mine but some I curi from others. I hope you all enjoy the pictures as I do so much.

The day started early with the collection of the gowns. I had my tickets(luckily, they arrived after the postal strike) and we headed to the professional photographers for the family pictures. Being in an engineering school, everything was in mass production and fast. It was snap snap snap and I was done. The ceremony started at 11.30 a.m and lasted for 2 hours.

Aerial view.

Bottom view. My parents were sitting on the second tier in a box!!! Even I don't get to sit in it. :(

An undergraduate.

A graduate. The 4-seconds of fame.

After a 2 hour loooooong agonising of not clapping and name-butchering MCs saying most of the Asians name, we adjourned for the reception in the Queen's Lawn.

But before that, it was for sure to take some pictures outside of Royal Albert Hall. After all, this is the grandest venue you can ever graduate. Some of the pictures are in random orders.

The ever good-looking little brother I have. Never seen you like this before. Just so classy and stylish.

Siew Ping of course. Without a wardrobe dysfunction. Just kidding. Hehehehe.

Sujatra. The other Malaysian in Aero.

Ahhhhhh. The great gay lou. Hahahaha. Omar you rock.

Miss Goo. The crazy Norwegian.

Wan. The ever patient and sensible person I knew in Imperial College.

Tockie Tock!!! Finally, dah graduate!!!

Chien Liq who had a loooooooooooooooooooooong lunch break. Thanks a lot.

Umut. The Turkish. Girls goes crazy over him. And an accent to die for.

The ever sweet and most compassionate girl I know, Anu.

Big teddy bear, Dhruve. Who's your daddy?!?!

Song. Well, she is safe and sound from the fires of LA. :)

After those Royal Albert Hall pictures, I didn't get much because my family headed off to the reception because they were hungry so I was left out. That's just sad but oh well. The finger food served was definitely nice and the champagne was nice.

Siew Ping again.

Now, Wayn.

Oh hail Xue Lieh.

The Chinese group in group. To be hones there is quite a number. Hahaha.

Arjun, the anime freak!!!

You know this is the first picture I have with Charlotte after all these years!!! Ang ang ah, Charlotte Yeow!!!

A very hungry Kai too. Haha.

The cool Zhern Yoong.

And a big gang here. Mostly the third years. Thanks mates.

Alvin, me, Winston and Wesley. Great to see you guys again.

So please comment on the pictures. I hope they are nice and I certainly had a great graduation. Everyone looks handsome, pretty, beautiful, matured and all lah. The best part now is that I'm going for the graduation in Singapore.

Singapore here I come!!!

Last but not least, I would like to say thank you very much to my parents and sister for attending this graduation. Without them, I wouldn't be in Imperial College without their encouragement and guidance throughout. Also thank you to the 2 other who attended the graduation, little bro, Heng Kai and Siew Ping. I couldn't ask for more. Got to give it to Siew Ping for her great job on taking pictures. Thanks to those who were there and not there for giving their support and the list goes on.

Would continue more but it would get too soapy. It's suppose to be a celebration! So, guys good luck in the near future(which you all will and definitely) and will keep in touch.

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