Wednesday 5 September 2007

Tube Strike

What the bananas!!! Tube strike for 72 hours. Nevermind. I'm not really affected by it because I don't really use the it now but BANANAS!!! All buses now are just jam packed with people. I mean PACKED!!! Gssssssssssssh. Enough la Tube people. Your pay is more than most engineers and you just drive the train up and down the tracks. What else do you want!?!?!

Anyway, I went out to Sainsburys for my sotong but they don't sell. Bodoh Sainsbury's. I was still determined to get my sotong so I headed off to Selfridges. How do I get there. Bus AGAIN! Packed to the max T_T.

In the end, I got my sotong and got some sashimi and some egg rolls too. Well, I suppose my calamari is for tomorrow.

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