Thursday 20 September 2007

Thoughtful Thursday

Hmmmmm. One more day till the weekend is here. I suppose I get a chance to see my sister since nowadays she leaves before I wake up and after I sleep.

Is investment banking that great? Are you willing to get get about 3-4 hours asleep every day and even work on the weekends. Yea, I suppose you will be compensated with the 2-3 year bonus but do you think you will carry on till you are 65 years old?

Just makes me wonder how about a social life or if you want to start a family. I heard that they need dating services to get help because the working life is so harsh that you need help to find someone.

I suppose I can't really compare now because I still haven't started working yet. But working in Norway was so cool. 8-4 working hours and finito. I can cabut. Some even come in later and leave early. How cool is that. That's Norway for you.

Aiya, just become a house husband lah. Simple.


MsBeHaVeN said...

You really wished to be a house hubby eh? hehehe....must find a partner that accepts that leh :P
normally husband is the leader of the house.

Cheng Chun said...

Memang leader of the house what. Eh, isn't it like the mothers are the one who controls everything. :P

MsBeHaVeN said...

lol, the wife you mean :P

Yea la, leader by title only but actually the main control of the house somehow is the lady hehehehehehe