Saturday 26 May 2007

Apple Craving

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

Lameness but aiya. This past 2 weeks I have been eating tonnes of apples. I have no idea why I started this craving for apples. They sell Royal Gala and Pink Lady but I prefer the sweetness and crunchiness of the former.

Actually I eat a lot of fruits back home in Malaysia because it is normally peeled for me(Yar, I know I'm spoilt). So coming abroad definitely reduced my consumption of fruits. But oh well, now I just bite away the apple.

Oh yea, talking about apples, I still remember the times in Concord where outside the Sports Hall had a few apple trees and what I did was talking a fallen apple and started to throw at the other apples. Hehehe. Fun but the apples were super sweet. Absolutely loved it.

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