Monday 5 November 2007

Pictures as Promised

Well, this was a week ago. I mentioned this in my post on the first Super Sunday I arrived in KL. This was organised MCA and about 50,000 people attended this event. All I can say well done and hope they can run the country much better. :)

So, here are some of the pictures. It rained during the event but we were shaded.

The VIP section. But then it rained. Kakakaka.

This was my ticket and the free kuih bangket they gave. Oh they gave an egg too. :)

The MCs.

Chinese dance.

First singer by local Andrew Tay Say Aun.

Candy Cheah.

Danny One.

3 tenors and 1 soprano.

This was the highlight of the night. The lion dance on poles. I haven't seen it before but they were great. The backside has to hold the head and walk like 5 poles jumping and such. It's an amazing feat. Also, just a fact that yes lion dance is from China but the dance on poles were invented by the Malaysians. And all I know Malaysia has been winning these lion dance competitions every year.

5 lions.

They were good and were in sync.

Can do or not Kai? :P

Drummers. They were good.

Dragon dance.

Datuk Ong Ka Ting in a poncho. :)

Erra Fazira.

Guang Liang entering.

Erra Fazira and Guang Liang singing a duet.

Guang Liang. Wo ai ni!!! :P



Tanya and I. Show over already.

More fireworks. Sorry for the buildings but it was raining la.

Bukit Jalil Station. Aftermath. Right.


After the show, Tanya took me back and I had a sundae for my dinner. Wasn't that hungry since I had a big big Raya open house lunch.


MsBeHaVeN said...

Thanks dear! Nice pics :) Btw, one of them wrong spelling la :P The one that Erra is doing solo :P

Cheng Chun said...

Correct la...

MsBeHaVeN said...

wrong la :P see picture number 18 from the top, just the one below Datuk Ong Ka Ting in a poncho :P