So, after graduation, I had plans to meet up with my family friends to give some presents. They decided to have dinner in a pub/bar which was really really nice. The pizzas were awesome and atmosphere. But then another taxi story. Well, this one wasn't that bad. At least he knew where Armenian Street was though I think he wasn't that sure. But I think he agak-agak la. But I was there. :P
Actually, I was there early by 30 minutes because I just so paranoid that taxis will get me lost. That uncle I tell you. So, I was observing places around the area. We have the errrrrr Art Museum ah. Eh, Singaporean, please tell me what it is. :P
Actually, I was there early by 30 minutes because I just so paranoid that taxis will get me lost. That uncle I tell you. So, I was observing places around the area. We have the errrrrr Art Museum ah. Eh, Singaporean, please tell me what it is. :P
gelap la... cannot see :P
The 3 red dots lor. It's there. ;)
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