Friday 21 December 2007

Damansara Village Steamboat Restaurant

So, as promised this is the review of the restaurant, Damansara Village Steamboat Restaurant. It seems to be the perfect day to eat steamboat when Malaysia was facing the wrath of Mother Nature for at least 2 hours. You all should know that it has been flooding everywhere lah. Anyway, a good nice hot pot would do the trick of raising people body's temperature.

Food was reasonable fresh. The key of a good restaurant is fresh when you are doing seafood. I just hate it when my prawn, crab and especially fish which a certain mud smell and being told that it was fresh and from the sea. Though whoever do that to me or to my family, we will certainly boycott that restaurant forever.

Anyhow, they had a variety of seafood and all were good. We had salmon ball, giant clams, red snapper, scallops, abalone, mussels and vegetable. Even the prawns were basically jumping. So yum yum.

Here are a few pictures taken. But errrrrr, I keep forgetting to take pictures la. So hungry then. I would go back for sure to even eat more.

The restaurant.

Longkang fishing. But errrrrrrr, mostly died la the fish there. Must be the devil kids giving the fish an heart attack.

Chi Pau Kai. Not bad not bad.

The live prawns. Well, they have already settled down but previously, they were jumping.

And my cooked prawns. Yum yum.

Iguanas on show. Hmmmmmm.

Giant tortoise.

The seafood tank. But seriously, the top left tank had like 10-15 white snapper and all gone already. Poor things.

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