Friday 27 July 2007

The Nation's Favourite Food - Breakfast

It is the most important meal of the day. So here is the UK top national favourite food for breakfast after a survey.

Number 10 - Yogurt

The UK eat about 10 times than the weight of the Titanic a year. Well, I'm not too sure how much that is but it sounds a lot. But remember people, yogurt is bad for health because it has A LOT of sugar. We are not suppose to be eating any additional 'added' sugar in our daily diet.

Number 9 - Porridge

Well they don't mean rice porridge like Teo Chew Moi but oat porridge. Well, they seem to eat it with salt or sugar. Salt. Aiya.

Number 8 - Croissant

More than 1/3 UK people have it for breakfast and most of them are in Newcastle. Imperial Chocolate Croissants were good but now it is become so small. Well, I'm not there anymore.

Number 7 - Scamble Eggs

The amount of the UK people eat eggs a year can reach from Earth to the moon.

Number 6 - Bacon Sandwich

NO bacon sandwich with brown bread. Ming bai. Britians are the biggest eaters of bacon in Europe. I wouldn't surprised if the Americans are the world's largest eaters of bacon. :)

Number 5 - Fruits

No word rhymes with orange. And apples are better than coffee to wake up a person. Give it a try coffee lovers. :D

Number 4 - Coffee

Wake up with it or drink it. The first coffee shop in the UK was in the1650 . Coffee pushed tea out of the list of beverages in the morning.

Number 3 - Toast

Most Scots voted more than anyone. Marmalade i.e. orange jam is the only jam given a special name. Cool fact, huh?

Number 2 - Cereal

Food and liquid all in one. The brits eat the most in Europe about 4 million bowls everyday. Wheatbix at the top. No two cornflakes look the same. Is it?

Number 1 - Full English

It's the Daddy of all breakfast. Bacon, sausage, grilled tomato, fried bread, mushrooms, eggs, bake beans, black pudding. I totally agree with this. This makes me very happy.


sp said...

wo bu ming bai... how do u define "additional sugar in our daily diet"? i think it depends on what "our daily diet" consists of.

if one's diet is low in carbohidrat or sugar to make place for yogurt, then it wont be additional sugar rite? then additional sugar would be like adding sugar to coffee, or eating sweets, or other things.

for example if one has yogurt in place of say ice-cream, then the amount of sugar consumed would still be the same kan? so as long as it adds up to the daily recommended amount, its okay mah...

oh and 'range' and 'strange' rhyme with 'orange' what... :P

Cheng Chun said...

Well, the daily recommended amount for sugar is zero. If you take the food pyramid, the food we take should have sugar in it already. Therefore, any added sugar i.e. sweets, sugar added into tea etc are NOT in our diet. :)

Aiyaaaaaa, don't use the last letters ler!

sp said...

u mean from the carbohidrate ar? but liddat then it all depends on ur carb intake right? as long as it adds on to be the recommended amount then its okay what... like if u take less carbohidrate and have yogurt still okay what..

Cheng Chun said...

But Sp you have to follow the pyramid. You can't just simply reduce carbs just because you want to take additional sugar from yogurt and also all vege and especially fruits has sugar.

All artificial sugar is BAD. Point blank. :)

sp said...

even if u follow the pyramid, just take an example of bread at the bottom, most of the bread we have are added with sugar when being made what... takkan u eat no sugar at all... of course yala try to avoid added sugar, but it still boils down to a balance of the amount of sugar in the food u eat rite.

Cheng Chun said...

Of course it's balanced but all the carbs from rice and things like bread are already included into your daily account. And if my memory services me right carbs changes to glucose which is sugar too. All fruits too has fructose which is also sugar.

But what I'm saying yogurt is THE additional sugar into our diet therefore bad for health. :)

sp said...

Har? yala sugar is carb also mar... so why must yogurt be the "additional" if it fits in the calories. for example, if u eat a less sweet bread and eat yogurt.. then same la... why must yogurt be the "additional" wor... other things can be the "additional" mar.

Cheng Chun said...

That's only an example. But Sp, as I said you can't reduce sweet bread to just take up yogurt. But in general, yogurt contains A LOT of sugar so I don't think you can simply reduce sugar anyway. Heh. :P

You strong supporter of yogurt right. But everything should be in moderation.

sp said...

hahha but like u said, starch will reduce to glucose anyway so why not heh. just for yogurt and its goodness :P