Saturday 31 March 2007

The Holiday

As you all know, I have been practically bumming around. For the whole day, I can be basically called a couch-potato for not doing any thing. Just sitting in front of my computer sorting out music and designing my blog which in the end turned out to be a disaster. So, I'm still sticking to the original template. Sigh. I need my 'sifu' la.

The trailer. I just loved the last part of this. Made me teared up. Laughing too much.

For tonight's selection of movies, I decided to see 'The Holiday' by Kate Winslet, Jack Black, Cameron Diaz and Jude Law. It is a very good show I must say. It has been a long time I have seen something this funny and heart-felt movie. There were some scenes were so funny I teared up. Man, that was good. Oh well, at least that made me laugh. Talking about holidays, I know I said it like 20000 times but I can't wait to go back to London. Going to see my little brother. Yay! And of course all the others. I need to make some appointments with them too.

But now, I'm back to being bored. I think I will have to play my online utopia game(well, I play it every hour) and get ready to attack at 9 a.m tomorrow. Going to crush this guy who is about 50% bigger than me. Muahahahahahah. I love violence.

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