Monday 27 August 2007

God Ettermiddag

Well, another post for the day. Good afternoon. I just got kicked out from my office. Well, it wasn't really my office but it was good while it lasted. This new office of mine is very very bare. It just have table and 2 chairs. The black chair I'm sitting on it has a very odd angle bad for the back. I tried to change it but to no avail. Oh crap, it just suddenly bounced!!! Now it's alright. Luckily, I didn't break my back.

Anyway, I went back to my hotel room(I know I shouldn't have but my manager had a meeting) to get a cable and mouse for the laptop I'm using. The office doesn't have the docking system for this laptop so I had to make do with this. Better than me not doing anything and stare at 3 white-painted walls.

I'm still not feeling well but that walk outside certainly did some good. Nice and cold. Refreshing to be honest.

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