Thursday 6 March 2008

Voting Time

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I'm still deciding leh. I have read all parties manifestos and I'm still uncertain what I want. HOW HOW HOWWWWWW!!!

I mean yea yea vote Opposition but can we even let them run the country. Day in day out you see brickering, people leaving the party, people on a power house mission and such. It just makes you think that politics in Malaysia is just stupid.

I also won't blame people if they also get fed up.


sp said...

well if ure happy with the current govt with discrimination, corruption, dirty tactics, mediocrity, ineffiency.. etc etc then by all means vote for them.

the opposition needs a chance to show their stuff. if they're not good then get rid of them the next time round. And we're not even talking bout running the country, just more opposition voice to prevent the govt from making decisions as they like.

if everyone is afraid of changing, if no chance is given, there'll never be a change.

i cant vote, but if i could, i wouldnt think twice.

Cheng Chun said...

They say 'Rome wasn't built in a day and it took centuries to build it. However, it took 1 day for the Barbarians to destroy it.'

Propaganda I know. Yes, I do agree that our current situation might/is going down when it comes to politics. But what makes me think that will the opposition do a even better job eradicating discrimination, corruption, dirty tactics, mediocrity, ineffiency.

Give them a chance. Yes but then it might just go in shambles. This is a chicken and egg situation isn't it?

To be honest, I'm not pro-government but if the opposition doesn't unite as one front, who do we expect to trust them with our future.

The decision is either bad or worse.

Gopi said...

Dude... There is no way for the opposition to win man, the idea of us , minorities who are discriminated against to vote for opposition is so that there might be some opposition candidates in Parliament. BN will still win, all we can do is decrease the margin of victory. Unlike America where the two major parties tend to have almost equal chance of taking over, in Malaysia BN is going to win, but if they win by a smaller margin, they will be forced to make changes in order to make the people happy.

Cheng Chun said...

Of course, I don't think in our life time we can see the opposition winning the election. And of course, they should be a balance power check to keep BN at its toes instead of a majority 91% win doing whatever they want. I'm with you there.

But I'm just saying that if the government is being bad/worse/terrible/horrible, why isn't the country in deep shit until employment is up to 40-50% and low life expectancy like in Africa which has the same government problem. Ghana gained independence about the same time as us but we are now earning 2000% in terms of annual income per person more than Ghana. Is the government that bad?

I know the super frustration about our generation not seeing things fairly, 'since we see it outside the box', that's why 'we' vote for the Opposition but I definitely think we need to reason out why the Opposition?

sp said...

>> "But what makes me think that will the opposition do a even better job eradicating discrimination, corruption, dirty tactics, mediocrity, ineffiency."

We wont know. like i said, we wont know until we give them a chance.

>>"Give them a chance. Yes but then it might just go in shambles. This is a chicken and egg situation isn't it?"

If they are worse, then get rid of them in the next election la! it's only 5 years, they cant do much damage. we're already in this for 50 years.

>>"But I'm just saying that if the government is being bad/worse/terrible/horrible, why isn't the country in deep shit until employment is up to 40-50% and low life expectancy like in Africa which has the same government problem"

Why do we want to compare with countries of worse situation, to make ourselves feel better? We're being taken over by singapore, taiwan, south korea, even vietnam is coming up in terms of economy.

Its true that we should be happy with the good things we have, but seriously if we continue being like this, we're getting nowhere.

>>"I know the super frustration about our generation not seeing things fairly, 'since we see it outside the box', that's why 'we' vote for the Opposition but I definitely think we need to reason out why the Opposition?"

Er.. not sure what u mean there. But if i get it right... man we're IN the box.

and right now there is no other choice than the Opposition. that's why. if there is another super united opposition, with super charismatic leaders, 0 negative points about them, then of course u can vote for them. and you kinda answered your own question in the first paragraph :S

sp said...

anyway, the sole reason of denying the bn 2/3 majority is enough for us to vote for the opposition.

to be pedantic, we cant even call them the opposition.

Cheng Chun said...

Just vote any opposition just as long as it's not BN?

If just suppose my constituency was between BN and PAS(thank goodness it isn't), you can seriously forget that PAS will get my vote. I know people will say just go with ANY opposition but I don't think that's the way to go about it. I will only vote what I think it's best for me NOT for the sake of just taking the other side.

Of course we can go better. As we blame the government for being corrupt and useless, have we also thought that 'hmmmmmmm may be it's the people at fault'.

sp said...

whats wrong with PAS wor. they're not gonna form an islamic govt even if they will ALL the seats they're contesting in.

yea i believe its the people's fault. for being ignorant that is. and we voted them in in the first place. so of course it's our fault.

and of course u can vote for whats best for you.