Wednesday 5 March 2008

DAP worrrrrr

Damn funny la this Kenny Sia with his Who-To-Vote-This-Election Decision Generator. I wonder this is very accurate. You must do it.

Since I made this public, I wonder whether Barisan would pay me money to change the vote or not. Muahahahahahahahaha. Why not leh? Extra RM200 in my pocket what. :D

p/s: Hope I don't get into trouble.

According to the 100% accurate Who-To-Vote-This-Election Decision Generator™, I am voting for...


Who Should You Vote For This Election?


Ken said...

Hmm... would there be any rationale to accepting money for a vote?

I'm sure there is given many people do that... on another hand, you have a political party handing out money to people to cast votes that are confidential anyway, so the party could be just paying for nothing. Why would it be worth it then?

Cheng Chun said...

Well, for us it would be very demeaning to take the money, however, you will be surprised that the kampungs would definitely take it with open arms.

Of course, my vote is definitely HAS NO PRICE on it. :)