Wednesday 30 April 2008

Malaysian Dreamgirl Winner

It's Cindy alright. Well, to be honest I also don't know who won it since I had to leave because I had to make supper.

Anyway, I heard Hanis was very disappointed not winning it. Among those 3 finalists, I think Hanis deserved to win it. Why? She had the most great pictures taken and definitely, her catwalk was a MODEL. Attitude and more attitude. That's what a model needs.

Compared to Adeline and Cindy, theirs were quite rubbish and unprofessional. Sorry if you girls read this but seriously, your walks are just very lenggang lengguk.

I'm still very tired because I stood for nearly 4 hours straight to see this show. No joke man. I also saw Chris Tock and Timothy Tiah(which I think he forgotten me) down at the runway.

p/s: "Excuse me, can you move a little bit there?" I was asked by a fugly whore(thinking that she so dead gorgeous) to move a side so that she could be with her friends.

Sorry la b***h, your so called accent or whatever you call is crap and below shit okay. Not to mention, you gave me with an attitude voice. You can go to hell la. Those who think their beauty is everything, I have no tolerance for such attitudes.

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