Wednesday 30 April 2008

Guys vs Girls

This might be a sexist post but I think it's very odd.

Yesterday, I had a haircut. So someone had to wash my hair first. It was a guy. Issssssh. I felt very very odd. Girls can wash guys and girls hair but not guys with guys. Just geli. I know you want me to say it. It's just pure gayness. Hahaha.

Though a guy cutting a guy's hair. Hmmmmmm, very neutral. Hahaha. Washing hair is very different though.

Let's take some other scenarios.

How about guys wearing a skirt except for a kilt!!! Okay. Now, that's quite obvious. But girls can wear trousers which were only for men then. Ah ha. So how come guys can't do the other way too. Hahahaha.
Guys holding hands. That one no need to say la. Even a girl next to me before was like, "GAY!!! GAY!!! GAY!!!" I feared for my life. But how come girls can hold hands one.

Oh yes, getting a mani and pedi. Loads of perception that it's very gay like. Though the nail artist was it's load of bull. Guys need to pamper themselves too.

I'm not saying I want to do those okay. Not gay here. But it just amuses me what we see in the modern world now. And hey, last time the Greeks and Romans love to have male to male naughty naughty stuff la. You get what I mean. :)

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