Wednesday 2 July 2008

Malaysian Passport

Wah... These 2 days I have been just waiting and waiting to make all of them... There goes 5 1/2 hours of my life.

The Malaysian passport. As we all know, making it is a breeze. Serious!

No more waking up at 5 a.m to queue to get the first ticket(which by the way they give out 200 a day and no more after lunch).

No more isi borang which saves you RM1. I know. I sound cheap.

No more queue sampai dunno which lembu comes home.

Lastly, no more to come 3 days later etc.

All you need to do is just give 1 passport picture, your old Malaysian passport, your MyKad, RM300 of course and a photocopy of your MyKad and waaaaaa la. It's done.

The kiosk is an ATM machine. Just follow the instructions and there you have it. Just throw your things in the slot(envelopes are provided) and magic. :)

In 2-3 hours later you have it. They are quite particular on the time too. So, you can't cut queue if you were trying to collect it early. But you can try your girl magic la. Hahaha.

Anyway, this is one of its kind in the world. Malaysia sekarang boleh and there is something to be proud of.

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