Tuesday 26 August 2008

Permatang Pauh! You are the best!

So embarrassed until can't tell the Malaysian people meh.

Win win already la. Anyway, just to note, this is unoffical news from Malaysiakini.

Anwar Ibrahim won by 16,210 votes. Yay. Much bigger than his wife but hey, you know what needs to be done.

Thank you Permatang Pauh. Now, a new date I'm looking for is the 16th of September. Would this become a new dawn.

I pray very hard.

- Update -

Now, Anwar won by 15,550 votes. Who cares. He still wins. :P

1 comment:

Samuel Goh Kim Eng said...

The real work begins after the election is over
So make sure there'll be enough resources for important matters to cover
To do it, rather than just say it, like a faithful lover
And earn the respect of being a genuine political mover

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 260808
Tue. 26th Aug. 2008.