Sunday, 22 July 2007

A Michael Bay Marathon

Don't know why all the movies I'm watching today are all by Michael Bay. Hahaha. I'm quite surprised. Well, I wonder Seba will be proud of me.
  1. Transformers in the afternoon. Very good fun.
  2. The Rock. Classic military show.
  3. Pearl Harbour. I don't know what to say. Whether it's the love story or the battles. But I love the soundtrack.
Syiok!!! :D


  1. Errr, over here, if you say you like Michael Bay movies, people will give you that 'what's your IQ? like, 17?' look.

  2. Yea, that's true but it's all for the fun of the movie. For you, that one don't need to talk lah. :)
